CSA Black and green tomato salad with red onions

The black and green tomatoes in this week’s CSA share taste great in this simple salad. You can use green tomatoes from your garden or farmer’s market as well. Green tomatoes for this salad taste best when they have a little give to the flesh and aren’t completely hard. Make this salad first, before starting on the rest of your dinner and it’ll have time to marinate.

• 1 pound green and black tomatoes

• 1 small red onion (or 1/2 a large one)

• Olive oil

• Red wine vinegar

Slice the green and black tomatoes into small wedges. Slice the red onion into thin slices. Mix with the olive oil and red wine vinegar. You’ll need about a tablespoon of each.

I didn’t add any extra salt to this salad. I think the vinegar + oil combo does a great job flavoring the salad all on its own.


Sauce from CSA tomatoes made easy


CSA Cucumber, Kohlrabi and Scallions breakfast salad